Delicious, Easy Plant-Based Recipes

easy plant-based recipes

The Love and Lemons Simple Feel Good Food cookbook by Jeanine Donofrio is filled with easy plant-based recipes that offer 125 delicious meals to enjoy now or make ahead. With its beautiful layout and enticing photography, this cookbook promises a delightful culinary experience for both reluctant and avid cooks alike.

As someone who is not particularly enthusiastic about cooking, I was drawn to the simplicity and appeal of Love and Lemons Simple Feel Good Food. Upon receiving the book, I was immediately captivated by its stunning visuals and well-organized recipes. The book offers a wide range of plant-based dishes that are both easy to prepare and Easy To Make Plant-Based Smoothies Packed With Nutrients and Flavor packed with flavor.

One of my favorite aspects of this cookbook is the inclusion of grain bowl recipes. The guide chart for creating different bowls, along with tips on cooking and prepping ingredients, has been a game-changer in my meal planning. I have also found the soup section to be especially impressive, as it provides a variety of tasty options that are perfect for lunches or light dinners.

Furthermore, I appreciate the thoughtfulness in the organization of the recipes. The chapters are divided into “at the ready” and “in advance” sections, allowing for flexibility in meal preparation. I particularly enjoy having pre-made components on hand for quick and effortless meals on busy days.

Beautiful and Inspiring Recipes

Love and Lemons Simple Feel Good Food is a visually stunning cookbook that will inspire you to get in the kitchen and start cooking. With its beautiful layout and gorgeous photography, flipping through the pages is a feast for the eyes. The recipes in this book are not only delicious but also easy to follow, making it a great choice for both novice and experienced cooks.

Versatility and Customization

One of the key aspects of Love and Lemons Simple Feel Good Food is its versatility. The recipes are designed to be customizable, allowing you to tailor them to your taste preferences or the ingredients you have on hand. Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy meal or a more elaborate dish, this cookbook has got you covered. The charts provided for making variations of pesto, salsa, smoothies, and more are a fantastic touch that adds even more flexibility to the recipes.

Plant-Focused and Wholesome

As the title suggests, Love and Lemons Simple Feel Good Food is a plant-focused cookbook. It offers a wide range of plant-based recipes that are not only delicious but also nutritious. The author, Jeanine Donofrio, provides plenty of options for incorporating a variety of vegetables into your meals, ensuring that you’re getting a good dose of wholesome ingredients. Even if you’re not strictly vegetarian or vegan, you’ll find plenty of side dishes and healthier dessert options to enjoy.

Meal Planning Made Easy

Love and Lemons Simple Feel Good Food takes the guesswork out of meal planning with its organized approach. This Easy Plant-Based Recipes book is divided into two sections: “at the ready” and “in advance.” The “at the ready” recipes are perfect for those busy weekdays when you want a quick and easy meal. On the other hand, the “in advance” recipes allow you to do some prep work ahead of time, making it easier to assemble meals during the week. This thoughtful organization ensures that you always have delicious and nutritious meals at your fingertips.

Pantry-Friendly Ingredients

One of the highlights of Love and Lemons Simple Feel Good Food is its focus on pantry-friendly ingredients. The recipes call for easy-to-find staples that you likely already have in your pantry. When it comes to fresh produce, the book sticks to run-of-the-mill veggies and fruits, making it accessible for most home cooks. The author also provides tips and substitutions at the end of each recipe, making it easy to adapt the dishes to suit different dietary needs, such as vegan or gluten-free.

A Cookbook Worth Adding to Your Collection

If you’re looking for a cookbook that not only provides delicious recipes but also inspires you to cook with beautiful visuals, Love and Lemons Simple Feel Good Food is a must-have. With its versatility, plant-focused approach, thoughtful meal planning, and pantry-friendly ingredients, this cookbook offers something for everyone. Whether you’re new to cooking or a seasoned pro, this book will become a valuable resource in your kitchen.


  • The book is beautifully designed with stunning photography and creative layouts, making it visually appealing.
  • The recipes in the book are plant-focused, offering a variety of options for those looking to incorporate more vegetables into their diet.
  • The book provides helpful guides and charts for customizing recipes based on season or personal taste, allowing for flexibility and creativity in the kitchen.


  • Some recipes in the book call for animal-based ingredients like eggs, yogurt, and cheese, which may not align with a vegan or plant-based diet.
  • While there are quick and easy recipes in the book, a majority of them require a significant amount of preparation and cooking time, making them more labor-intensive.
  • The book may not be suitable for those looking for a strictly plant-based or simple food cookbook, as it includes recipes with animal-based ingredients and more complex cooking techniques.

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In conclusion, Love and Lemons Simple Feel Good Food is a must-have cookbook for anyone looking to incorporate more plant-focused meals into their diet. With its easy-to-follow recipes, accessible ingredients, and visually appealing presentation, this book has truly exceeded my expectations. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a novice in the kitchen, this cookbook will inspire and guide you towards creating delicious and wholesome meals.

Questions & Answers:

Question: Is the book visually appealing?

Answer: Yes, the book is beautifully designed with stunning photography and creative layouts, making it a feast for the eyes.

Question: Are all the recipes in the book plant-focused?

Answer: While the majority of the recipes in the book are plant-focused, there are some that include animal-based ingredients like eggs, yogurt, and cheese.

Question: Are the recipes in the book quick and easy to make?

Answer: While there are quick and easy recipes in the book, a majority of them require a significant amount of preparation and cooking time, making them more labor-intensive.

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